Olea provides quality fruit and ornamentals trees to all retail nurseries within Western Australia.
The Plantnet range offers dwarf fruit trees for the home gardener.
Contact us for a copy of the current catalogues.
How do I place a container order?
Contact us to receive the monthly availability list. Email or fax your order to sales@oleanurseries.com.au
(08) 9772 1333. All orders are required in writing.
When will I take delivery of a container order?
Trees will be dispatched as soon as possible after your order has been placed. If you wish to pick up your order advise the nursery at least 3 days prior.
How do I place a Bare Rooted order?
Contact us to receive the annual bare rooted catalogue. A ‘Confirmation of Your Order’ will be sent to you. Check thoroughly and advise if any changes are necessary.
When will I take delivery of a Bare Rooted order?
Trees will be dispatched in June via freighting companies to your area. If you wish to pick up your order advise the Nursery at least 3 days prior.